Friday, June 22, 2012

2011 summary of activities

December 26-30, 2011:

Volunteers repacking rice, biscuits, coffee, noodles,  dried fish,  plates and bowls, clothes, shoes, bags...

Distribution of food bags...

Typhoon Relief Mission in Cagayan de Oro in coordination with the Catholic Association 
of Doctors, Nurses and Health Professionals in Asia (ACIM-Asia) and the Philippine Army.

December 16-25, 2011:  
Typhoon Sendong Relief Drive for the victims of the typhoon in Cagayan de Oro.
League members collected clothings, shoes, food items, cash and medicines. 
They went caroling in various houses to ask for relief goods.

December 22, 2011
Madine giving catechism lesson to 3 boys on the 3rd Commandment of God, particularly attendance at Holy Mass and proper preparation for Holy Communion.

Reviewing the basic prayers and examination of conscience for confession.

December 10, 2011 - Group Study 

Baltimore catechism review

Question and answer portion

We had to be prepared always to answer questions about the traditional Catholic faith.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure,  whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. - Philippians 4:8

Oct. 22, 2011 
Catholic Apologetics explained by Rev. Fr. Timothy Pfeiffer.
Apologetics is the branch of theology that is concerned with the defense of Christian doctrines.  
Guest participants included Alexandra Vonlanthen from Switzerland, Cyril Alolaya from Davao and Gene from Zamboangga.

learning to defend the Catholic Faith

and enjoying dinner together...

We're all together again, we're here, we're here
We're all together again, we're here, we're here.
and who knows when we'll be all together again, 
singing all together again we're here, we're here!

October 20, 2011 
Recreation Day.  

Think easy....

hmmm... who ate all the ice cream?

dishwashing fun
And He said to them “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” 
For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. -Mark 6:31

October 19, 2011
Confirmation Day.  A good number of our catechism pupils received the Sacrament of Confirmation from His Excellency Bishop Tissier de Mallerais.  Deo gratias!
The week preceding the event was filled with examinations and lesson reviews for the candidates of the Confirmation.
The picture above was taken during one of the preliminary quizzes and review prior to the grand examination of Confirmation candidates.

October 7-9, 2011 
Onward to Davao for the Rosary Crusade against the RH Bill and for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and also to attend the Eucharistic Crusade 

Merrily we roll along... through dust and heavy rain...
Yeah! We made it through the rain! 
but, yes, we arrived very wet...  
Thanks to the Davao people for the free tshirts!
Eucharistic Crusade for children

the group for the bigger children....

Day 1: Pilgrimage from People's park to Our Lady of Rosary Shrine in Buhangin.
Day 2: Overnight vigil in front of the exposed Blessed Sacrament.
Day 3: Pilgrimage from Our Lady of Rosary Shrine in Buhangin to People's park in San Pedro.  About a hundred and 70 people attended.

8 - Procession in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

22 - Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

25 - Feast of our Patron St. James the Great! We had our usual procession and celebration.

Feast of the Corpus Christi!  
We got busy working on a floral carpet for the chapel. 
A faithful from Marbel took this shot and shared it to us as we were not able to take pictures, because we got too busy for the various preparations for the feast. 

This was more fun than doing jigsaw puzzles or Lego blocks.  

It was also something like a biology lesson.  We got acquainted with the flowers and the leaves, and realized which of them ran lost volume and color and shrank quickly.  And we found out that a simple starch paste could hold the flowers and leaves on the paper-base.  It wasn't very strong, but neither was our carpet meant to last for centuries.  The flowers were meant to be crushed and trodden upon at the moment when the priest makes the procession of the Body of Christ, so we thought that we did not need a glue meant to last for years...

Guess how many days we took to make this first-time venture?  5 days!  Yes, 5 days of experimentation and gathering flowers around the neighborhood, seeking permissions and actual harvesting of flowers took time.

Flores de Mayo
Pilgrimage in Bohol

Birthday party for Judith Dagatan and Marie du Chalard at the barbecue house.
We had balloons, cake, and barbecue.  Happy birthday, girls!

Thanks be to God, two young adult catechumens taught by the AoM received the sacrament of Baptism and received their First Communion on the eve of Easter.  May God keep and guide them always.  

Holy Week: 
For the AoM League, the busiest season of all is Lent.  It entails the following:
1.  general cleaning of chapel
2.  washing curtains and linens
3.  finding and preparing the place of the Altar of Repose
4.  putting up the roadside crosses for the Stations of the Cross
5.  intensive review and practice for the catechumens who are to receive the sacrament of 
6.  exhortations to village catechism students to go to Confession and receive Communion.
7.  our own individual recollection and preparation for Confession and Communion.
8.  choir and chant practice
9.  cooking food for the working crew throughout the week
10.  arranging flowers for the altars and the procession

This year we were very busy but also very happy, as usual.  Who wouldn't be happy working together for God?

Regular weekly meetings and Stations of the Cross, chapel cleaning, choir and serving at Mass.

02 - Procession and breakfast in honor of the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  
Regular weekly meetings and Stations of the Cross, chapel cleaning, choir and serving at Mass.

Regular weekly meetings and Stations of the Cross, chapel cleaning, choir and serving at Mass.

Holy hour vigil and Te Deum to welcome the New Year.

Fiesta table...  Happy New Year to us all!