Sunday, June 22, 2014

2014 May 31: Flores de Mayo Culmination

May was a very busy month indeed.  After the pilgrimage last April, we had the Camp in Bohol.  We left Bohol on May 2.

Right after the camp in Bohol, 4 AoM boys went with Fr. Tim and Fr. Hora to assist in the youth camp in Butuan.

The rest of us went home. As soon as we arrived in Gensan, we busied ourselves with the Flores de Mayo catechism lessons in various catechism centers.  While we were busy with the catechism efforts, we had to go to our schools to enrol ourselves for another school year (high schools) or semester (colleges).  And we had to get busy raising funds for the Children's camp.  We went begging at the public markets and sari sari stores for food items.  After the children's camp, we helped in the camp in Camiguin Island and in Cagayan de Oro.  And on May 31, the very few AoM left in Gensan organized a procession in honor of the Queenship of Mary.


Camiguin Island...

Just arrive from the camp site near the runway.

(Left to Right) JC, Angie, Lovely, Chrisma Jane

Quiz Bowl
Song practice with Claudia
Learning new songs with Paul and Fr. Tim
Angie teaching the little kids about the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary
Fr. Tim talks about AoM

Catechism time with Chrisma Jane

Rosary Procession
Camp Fire :)

My Old Kentucky Home
St. Pius Team skit
The Feast of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Offering flowers to Our Lady

Cagayan de Oro...


"Is Mary worshipped by Catholics as a goddess?"

The answer is a big "NO" Many people put the Mother of Jesus down as often as they can, thinking that by degrading her they are somehow building up Jesus. They say things like "Mary is dead and can't help you", "Mary was just an incubator for Jesus", "Jesus put his mother down by calling her "Woman, and "If Mary had refused Gabriel, then God would have just picked someone else". All of that kind of talk is crazy, but they do it because they think that Catholics worship Mary as a goddess, and by putting her down, they are showing Catholics that Jesus is #1. How many people would like it if you said - "I love you, but I really can't stand your mother". And how many people regularly put down their own mother to reinforce the fact that their Dad is #1? No one. Jesus called her "Woman" all of the time to let us all know that she is the new Eve (Adam named his mate "Woman") who's yes to Gabriel overcame Eve's yes to lucifer.

Most of the time in the Bible, God chooses to do His work through a human, whether it's Moses, Jacob, Joseph of the Old Testament, or one of the Prophets like Isaiah or Elisha. It's no different with Mary. God allowed salvation in the person of Jesus Christ to enter into the world through Mary, even though he could have just appeared all on his own. In like manner, it shows great humility on our part to approach Jesus in the exact same way that He approached us - Through Mary. After all, if Jesus was obedient to Mary for 30 years of his life here on earth, shouldn't we imitate Him in that respect? If Mary was good enough for Jesus, who are we to say that she isn't good enough for us? Jesus Himself said that "No servant is greater than His Master".

If one is lost and needs to get somewhere, the best thing to do is to find someone who knows the way better than anyone else. Most of mankind is lost, and needs to find Jesus. Mary is the one person who knows the way better than anyone else, because she and Jesus shared the same body for 9 months, Jesus was subject to her for 30 years, they probably even look alike, and they are of one accord. Getting close to Mary is the fastest and best way to get close to Jesus. It's pure folly to even think that by getting close to Mary you are somehow getting farther away from Jesus. Jesus got his sacred Body and his precious Blood from MARY!

Catholics never have worshiped Mary as a goddess, but we do recognize that her soul, like every other soul ever made, is very much alive. People who say that Mary is dead sound more like atheists than like Christians. Mary says that her soul "magnifies the Lord", which makes Jesus clearer, more in focus, and larger. That's a great lens to be looking at Jesus through. According to Gabriel, Mary was full of grace before the incarnation of Jesus, which indicates that Mary was part of the heavenly plan all along, not a random choice.

Mary is the daughter of God the Father, the bride of the Holy Spirit, and the mother of Jesus. That would make it almost blasphemous to put her down on every occasion. As Gabriel said, in a message from God, "Hail Mary!" Catholics agree wholeheartedly with Gabriel!


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

2014 May 21 - Soldiers of Christ and Soldiers of Mary

When we receive the Holy Ghost in the sacrament of Confirmation where the Bishop gives us a slap in our cheek saying: "Pax tecum", we are made to understand that: "WE ARE TRULY A SOLDIER OF OUR LORD AND THEREFORE MUST BE BRAVE TO FACE ANYTHING FOR HIS NAME, TO SPREAD THE CATHOLIC FAITH AND DEFEND IT EVEN TO THE DEATH". When we are Soldiers of Christ we are too Soldiers of Mary and we die also to fight for Mary!

Soldiers have swords and shields but we, Apostles of Mary, have Rosaries and the Faith to defend ourselves from enemies. 

Now we have another Apostle of Mary receiving the 'coat and arm' (badge) to bear in this time of battle against the enemies of souls and the world. May the Apostles of Mary again spread throughout Philippines and lead the youth again to be strong a Christian in Faith, in virtues and form them in Four Foundations of the League (Interior Life, Study, Apostolic Action and Charity) and to bring more fruits of Religious Vocation again in the Philippines.

The Four Foundation: (

Mitte Domine operarios in messem tuam, messis quidem multa, operari autem pauci.

Rhea Dawn Lamit reciting the Charter before our Chaplain Fr. Timothy Pfeiffer, SSPX

Santiago Clan members smile for posterity. Keep going, Apostles of Mary, for the glory of God... continue to spread a strong devotion to the Most Holy Mother of God.

Ave Maria!
Stay with us, Lord!

The Badging Ceremony of an Apostles of Mary.

The Santiago Clan sings AoM Hymn, Magnificat and We stand for God 
as our battle song to strengthen our Faith and guide us, we all pledge our life and service.
For God we live in God we'll die!